Hey All,
Well Spring 09 has arrived, it officially started today…Monday….thankfully I have no classes on Monday so I didn’t really do much of anything other than sleep. However, tomorrow I have to hit the ground running and do well on all my classes. This quarter should be interesting considering the gamut of ideas I have in store for Phiivo and the engineering courses I am taking.
Still not sure which direction I am going to take Phiivo in, consulting or web dev? Or both? Not entirely sure…..as for now I can only say that I have something relatively big brewing with dad. If this idea takes off this could mean good things =)
With that I need to further my knowledge on this AJAX boat I jumped on……it could prove to be a crucial skill for the future. Using frameworks makes quick work of doing things, but that still doesn’t deter from the time needed to learn said technologies. We’ll see how things go!
Until next time, l8rz!