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Thursday, August 14th, 2008 | Author:

So I finally got all the parts in so I can fix my motorcycle….my sweet sexxy moto got $263 in parts upgrades!

New tires (front/back), new brakes (front/back), new handlebars, new chain, new shifter.

I have pictures of the carnage here, unfortunately I had to take the pictures with the cell (dad lost the digi cam…doh!) so some of them came out much more blurry than I would have liked….

Category: The Motorcycle Diaries  | Tags:  | Comments off
Saturday, August 02nd, 2008 | Author:

Well, thanks to the wonderful thing that is Google (my best friend I might add, sorry Esther)I have found yet another gem of an application!

That allows you to run a multitude of the most popular software titles off your USB drive. So now if I go to the library, or to a terminal at work I just have to make sure I take my trusty USB!

I am currently typing this post in Firefox 3.0.1 running off my USB drive!

The best thing is, all my sessions, history, cookies, tabs, passwords, etc. get saved onto the USB drive…so they go with me anywhere I go!

I also run Pidgin, my new IM client (yes….I finally got rid of trillian….)

I’m using Pidgin with this free service I also found on google, IM-History. That app logs all my IMs online for me in an easily searched database. Private of course, but accessible to me!

Until next time!

~Robert Navarro

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Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 | Author:

I am the proud owner of a Motorola q9h……that now rocks windows mobile 6.1!!!!!

Yes you read that right, before ATT even released it…I got it! Don’t ask how….hehe

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Monday, July 28th, 2008 | Author:

So today was a very eventful motorcycle ride to say the least….It was a long ride, most enjoyable. Complete with no injuries or falls! w00t!

I believe I did a total of 126 miles of riding today, went deep into the back country of Santa Barbara/Santa Ynez. Unfortunately the charger I installed on my motorcycle wasn’t working, and I didn’t realize it until my phone said “Low Battery”. Which means I only got half of my trip on GPS tracks. But I suppose something is better than nothing?

Started out like any other motorcycle ride, me having fun, enjoying life and ripping up the dirt. I was actually able to make it to Jameson lake, the gate was open! w00t…..unfortunately I forgot my camera….yet again….so I didn’t get any pictures of it. (And my phone was dead by that point)

I also managed to find a nice hot spring on my adventure, I stopped there for a while…it was quite nice to relax for a few minutes all alone with no one out there but nature…

As I started making my way back home I stopped in a well shaded area with a few trees. I had seen helicopters going up and down the valley all day so I figured it was just a training exercise of some sort. A few minutes after stopping one of the helicopters starts circling around me. I just smiled and waved at the helicopter while sipping my camel back and eating a power bar. It kept circling so I gave it a thumbs up to let them know I was ok……well the 3rd time I took a closer look at the tail of the helicopter and it turned out to be the sheriff…..hmm ok….w/e I’ll just keep eating. A few minutes after that a truck rolls up quite quickly and 3 rather large men jump out, hands on their holsters yelling at me “Don’t move! Don’t Move!”……well shit, I’m not going anywhere, I’m just resting eating my power bar…. One of them asks “Hablas espanol” (Do you speak Spanish…..translated for those of you who don’t know)….I respond, yes….and I speak English too….They ask for my id, and want to know what I’m doing here…..well uh….*looks at motorcycle* I’m out for a ride….and I’m taking a break *looks at power bar*…..He then proceeds to ask me where I came from….I just turn and point at the road I came from…completely dumbfounded…. After a search of my backpack, and my jacket the tension had ceased…….they sheriff/officers/whatever explained to me that they thought I was part of an operation that was taking place….. I was very curious about that, so I asked hehe…..he said it was a sting operation and they were cleaning up “some weeds” riiiight…..

So I guess I fit the profile of a drug trafficking mexican….*shrug* oh the many adventures of me and my moto rides…..

GPS Tracks made possible by PathAway for my phone =)

Category: The Motorcycle Diaries  | Tags: ,  | Comments off
Friday, July 25th, 2008 | Author:

As if gmail couldn’t get any better….I just got wind of a plugin for Firefox that makes it better! The “Better Gmail 2” plugin for firefox adds a whole bunch of options to your gmail experience!

Get it here:

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